Updates in DM Polyneuropathy Webinar
Closing the year with Updates in DM Polyneuropathy on Monday, December 21, 2020, was a successful online conference with 1000+ participating delegates under the generous sponsorship of Access Healthcare, Viatris, Stada, and Evapharma and managed by Medetarian Conferences Organizing (MCO), the leading healthcare event management in the UAE.
Five remarkable speakers have graced the virtual floor with their superb knowledge in the latest updates and treatment of DM Polyneuropathy, which as defined by Pijn.com, is a neurological disorder (neuropathy) of all the nerves in the body (polyneuropathy) as a result of diabetes.
With this interesting topic alone, Dr. Abubaker Al Madani, Senior Neurologist of United Medical Center, Dubai, UAE has delivered his official welcome message to start the anticipated event.
Dr. Zulfiqar Hussain, Staff Neurologist of Cleveland Clinic, Abu Dhabi has shared his medical thoughts on “Diagnostic criteria and clinical manifestation of diabetes polyneuropathy”. He argued that Diabetic peripheral polyneuropathy is characterized by symmetrical numbness, paresthesia, pain, and weakness, which are predominantly involving distal parts of the lower and upper extremities. Furthermore, Diagnostic Evaluation for Peripheral Polyneuropathy has been confirmed through abnormal NCSs with symptoms or signs in DSP. Dr. Zulfiqar also elaborated in his presentation the associated conditions with diabetic polyneuropathy.
Dr. Mazen Dimachkie, Neurology Professor, University Kansas School of Medicine, United States has exceptionally given us his topic on “Recent updates in treatment of diabetes polyneuropathy” in which in his analysis, enhanced glucose control significantly prevents the development of clinical neuropathy and reduces nerve conduction and vibration threshold abnormalities in T1D – high-quality evidence, and most importantly, enhanced glucose control significantly increases the risk of severe hypoglycemic episodes, which needs to be taken into account when evaluating its risk/benefit ratio. People who suffered from this illness have been advised simple physical treatments, use of a bed cradle to lift the bedclothes off hyperaesthetic skin, advice on suitable footwear may also be provided, and simple analgesics or anti-inflammatory agents. As concluded, DSPN is the 2nd most common cause of PN – after CSPN and is associated with pain but not disabling weakness or disabling ataxia. Pain modulating drug selection should be based on efficacy and the best available disease-modifying therapy consists of Optimal glycemic control and good health habit (lipids, Bp, etc) and Symptomatic care and promise of exercise.
Under the sponsorship of Access Healthcare, Dr. Wael Mostafa presented his discussion on “The Ultimate Support to Fight Neuropathy” in which according to his clinical research, Diabetes Miletus is the most common cause of Neuropathy affecting 60-70% of Diabetic patients. He also highlighted the management of Peripheral Neuropathy through Vitamin B Complex ++ which provides ultimate support to fight Neuropathy and with confirmed efficacy such as decrease numbness and tingling in hands and feet, improve balance in elder patients, reduces stress and anxiety, and helps to sleep better at night. Intake of Vitamin B Complex has many proven benefits. One example is the B1 Neurotransmitter which improves psychological functions. It was discovered that passion herb extract promotes relaxation and mental wellness.
Dr. Amar Salti, Consultant in Anesthesia and Interventional Pain Medicine of Cleveland Clinic Abu Dhabi, has shared his knowledge on “Capsaicin Patches in DPN” in which in his exhibition he purported that Qutenza®, a prescription medicine that helps provide relief for adults whose lives are affected by diabetic nerve pain of the feet and post-shingles pain, demonstrated a statistically significant reduction in average Daily Pain score from baseline to Weeks 2-8 with greater significant treatment satisfaction than Pregabalin. According to Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2017 Issue, high-concentration topical capsaicin used to treat postherpetic neuralgia, HIV-neuropathy, and painful diabetic neuropathy generated moderate or substantial levels of pain relief than using a much lower concentration of capsaicin can be repeated every 3 months.
Dr. Tamer El Sallab, Head of Gulf States at Viatris shared a video essay in which it highlighted the company story as a source of stability with the commitment, capability, and vision to meet the world’s evolving patient needs. He then quotes, “At Viatris, we bring together best-in-class scientific, manufacturing and distribution expertise with proven regulatory, medical and commercial capabilities to deliver quality medicines to patients when and where they need them.”
The Updates in DM Polyneuropathy Webinar was concluded with a live Q and A and marks as one of the most successful virtual events managed by MCO, a certified and proud member of the International Congress and Convention Association (ICCA).
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