Neurology Update Webinar

On Thursday, September 24, 2020, Medetarian Conferences Organizing (MCO), the leading healthcare event-management company spearheaded the Neurology Update Webinar under the sponsorship of Lundbeck, a global pharmaceutical company specialized in brain diseases and endorsed as well by Emirates Neurology Society (EMINS).
This 2-hour online event had garnered over 794 participants across the UAE and the globe.
Dr. Suhail Abdulla Alrukn, the President of Emirates Neurology Society (EMINS) and Webinar Chairman has commenced the agenda with his welcome message in which he applauded the event’s distinguished speaker all the way from Canada.
On the topic of “Management of Alzheimer’s Disease”, Dr. Serge Gauthier, Director of Alzheimer’s Disease Research Unit and Professor in Psychiatry and Medicine Department McGill University has aimed to describe the natural history of AD using a clinical case, discuss the management of AD at the dementia stage, review therapeutic options when dealing with troublesome behaviors and examine what to expect in the near future.
Accordingly, he presented a case of an 82-yearl-old woman with gradual decline of her memory for recent events over three years and suffered false beliefs that people are stealing things from her. With this clinical case, after an unsuccessful treatment with trazodone as a sedative antidepressant in the evening to ease her agitation, risperidone was given. However, she fell in her bedroom, complicated by a hip fracture and died from aspiration pneumonia two months later.
Dr. Serge Gauthier has elaborated the highlighted points related to progression of symptoms in AD. This led to the management of AD in which it’s crucial to disclose the diagnosis and provide information on the disease together with extra financial planning and safety precautions as deemed vital to better assess patients with AD.
In conclusion, Dr. Gauthier affirmed that we can help persons with dementia using a global management approach involving families and their social network, supplemented as well with new treatments that will drive people to seek an earlier diagnosis. He also notes that these are new challenges for neurologists but great opportunities to move AD therapy forward.
During the live Q and A session, Dr. Suhail Abdulla Alrukn and Dr. Serge Gauthier have a back to back discussion addressing inquiries from the delegates. It was indeed a successful convention so rich with new updates and complex scientific research in the management of dementia.
To view the webinar in its entirety, click this link:
This event managed by MCO is a proud and certified member of the International Congress and Convention Association (ICCA).
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